Sunrise Pet Clinic Started in 2019-2020 by Dr. Ratan Thakur who has studies from Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS. Previously it was Sunrise Pet Clinic located in Delhi
Dr. Ratan Thakur has a total of 7 years of working experience in prominent clinics of Delhi/NCR.
Our primary focus is on wellness & prevention for comparing animal through a holistic approach focusing on the whole body & lifestyle of the pet.
We ensure your pet has the best possible care. Our goal is to offer high quality medicine that combines modern technology with comfort for your pet. We also pride ourselves on client education regarding prevention & treatment of disease to ensure your pet remains a healthy member of the family for years to come.
If humans have emotions, pets have them too. At Heal Your Paws, the motto is to satisfy all psychological and emotional needs of your furry friend. Utmost care and attention is given to every pet by our team , who are highly qualified & experienced in their respective fields.
The clinic has an experienced and qualified team of professional. The clinic functions as a resource centre, empowering people to make informed decisions about the care of their animals.
A pet shop where we keep products that are safe and healthy for your pet that you can buy without any hassle.